Jul 15, 2008

The don't ask/don't tell policy

If they don't ask, is it deceptive not to tell? From reading forums, this seems to be the approach people take: if the insurance company does not ask if you've made modifications to the vehicle or what kind of motor you are running, don't confuse them by volunteering the information that you drive a self-converted electric vehicle.

Well, not sure if this is deception, rationalization, or just the ordinary way of dealing with bureaucracies, but a major insurance company (which we were already rejected by) insured my vehicle. So, I'm now almost legit - just a little more paperwork for registration. Inspection went w/o a glick, although the mechanic wanted to know what he should put for the emissions rating...

This morning I filled a few of the batteries w/ distilled water - after a full charge last night - and got about 15 miles on a charge while only 50% discharged. My first official test at range and discharge. Thankfully my pack is well balanced (only varied between 12.85V and 12.94V between the batteries after a full charge), though I am getting a bit nervous that the hills here are going to dramatically reduce my range and that I'll need an extra battery or two as a 96V system may not be enough over the winter.

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