I wish I had a picture of today that was more specific, but this is the site from a big picture perspective (since all this work is so minute and detailed, it is weird to see it from this distance). I installed all of the components, with the exception the contactors on my control board and wired up a number of things that I could do that were isolated to the board. I really have never done anything like this before - cut, strip, crimp wire, not to mention read and interpret wiring diagrams. To my rookie eyes, wiring diagrams are just laughable, they are so obtuse, even more so than Kant or Deleuze. But, once I was able to figure out the rules and structure of the diagram (staring at it basically), the relations between components via wiring started to become a bit more focused (emphasize 'started').
I found out that my final parts won't be here until Friday, so I'm going to wire up as much as possible this week with the hopes that I'll be able to install those parts and hook them straight up. It is the battery cables, the 2/0 cables (pronounced "two-ought" - again, I'm such a rookie here), that is now the worry on the horizon, not to mention cutting and drilling holes for the adapter plate.
Tomorrow I will be helping my brother-in-law trim out his house, a massive undertaking my in-laws are undertaking as a 40th birthday present to him. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in some wiring time as I want to locate the ignition switch and wire up the inertia switch up front, the auxiliary battery wires (found under the rear seat), and drill holes for the 2/0 cable going in/out of the battery boxes....we'll see.
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