An enjoyable site to see this car clean and hopefully soon it will be running. It took me a good two hours to get it this clean and here in a few pics you can see the difference. I guess 3 years of idleness and dirt builds up quite a bit.
This will be the last post for about a week, unless of course I get the drive shaft cut back in the next few days. I've packed up my tools and put the motor and other conversion stuff in backseat of the car. I did spray paint the front battery box today too (a bright orange) and drilling two 1" holes in the frame under the dash to run the 2/0 battery cables to/fro the front batteries (which are the final three in the series). I am running them through the old heater vents which go under the back seat and come out at the feet of the backseat passenger. Great option for me as this way I can go through an existing hole in the vehicle and avoided long external wire runs.
We'll have a car tow dolly for the move and I thought it would be a perfect time to take it by a machine shop to have that done. We'll see, I'm going to call around in the morning. Wednesday I get all but the charger from the parts supplier, so I'll be able to work when I'm able in KC.
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